Sunday, March 9, 2008

Yonah and Jeremiah Have Arrived!

Proud Mama, Yonah (Closest to Yazmin), Jeremiah (Closest to Mac), and proud Papa!

Hi everyone. Yazmin had Yohah and Jeremiah today at around 9:00. Yonah weighs 4 lb 15 oz and is 17 1/2 inches long. Jeremiah is 4 lb 8 oz and is 17 1/4 inches long.

Yazmin is recovering pretty well but still has some dizziness and doesn't yet feel great. But, the doctors and nurses are working to get her better. She is able to talk and is really excited and happy about Yonah and Jeremiah!

Yonah and Jeremiah are both doing really well. They are breathing on their own and at the time of this writing, have both finished 4 feedings. Some premie babies have trouble with the synchronization of sucking, swallowing and breathing, but Yonah and Jeremiah are doing great. I (Mac) got to burp Yonah today after one of his feedings and it was great to hold him and spend time with him. I look forward to lots of time to care and hang out with both of them.

Thank you to everyone who helped,visited called, prayed, or just thought good thoughts today. Special thanks to Shawna and Eve to came early and really helped out. We are glad that everyone was able to do what they were able to do. We really appreciate it and are very grateful!

A note about visitors: As Yazmin is recovering, I want to be careful about how many visitors we have. Please call me at 310 350 2781 to see what the status is on visitors. I would hate for you to make the trip here and then not get to see Yazmin or Yonah and Jeremiah.

And now...some more pictures....

Just before delivery, Mom and the proud brothers, Nathan and Adam!

Here's a nice closeup of Yonah...

And, not to be outdone, here's a nice closeup of Jeremiah...

Ok...that's it for now. See or talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

Stephanie A said...

Mazal tov! The boys are beautiful and I can't wait to meet them in person. It's so great to share the photos so quickly. They happened to arrive on Navi's birthday---she turned four while Yazmin had 2 babies!!!

all our love,
joshua, stephanie, navi, elias & sarit